Campus Directory

Aaron Canty
Title: | Professor |
Office: | Warde Academic Center |
Phone: | 773-298-3584 |
Email: | |
Department: | Religious Studies |
Aaron Canty is interested in the relationship between historical and systematic theology, especially as they relate to the Trinity, Christology, and eschatology. Of particular interest is how scriptural exegesis shapes theological positions, both in contemporary theology and in pre-modern pastoral, scholastic, and spiritual theology.
Courses Taught
- RELST 210: Roman Catholic Tradition
- RELST 253: Christian Sacraments
- RELST 254: Catholic Social Teaching
- RELST 260: Christian Theology: Church
- RELST 262: The Triune God
- RELST 263: Jesus Christ
- RELST 264: Sin and Grace
- RELST 267: Spirituality
- RELST 271: Jesus and the Gospels
- RELST 278: Encountering the Bible Through the Centuries
- RELST 284: Religious Experience in the Early Church
- RELST 286: Medieval Spirituality
- RELST 287: Christianity and Modernity
- RELST 360: Seminar in Theology
- RELST 362: Seminar in the History of Theology
Areas of Specialization
- Medieval Theology and Exegesis
- Trinitarian Theology
- Christology
- Eschatology
- Spirituality and Mysticism
"The Resurrection of Jesus in Bonaventure's Commentary on Luke." International Congress on Medieval Studies, May, 2017
"Vanity in Bonaventure's Commentary on Ecclesiastes." International Congress on Medieval Studies, May, 2016
"The Contribution of Innocent III to Scholastic Eschatology." Medieval Academy of America Annual Meeting, February, 2016
"The Origins of the Dotes Corporis as a Scholastic Theological Locus." Medieval Academy of America Annual Meeting, March, 2015
"Saint Paul's Rapture and the Spiritual Senses: Symeon the New Theologian on 2 Corinthians 2:2-10." International Congress on Medieval Studies, May, 2014
"Henry of Ghent on Scripture's Contents and Characteristics." International Congress on Medieval Studies, May, 2013
"'Saint Thomas Aquinas expounds elegantly, but . . .': Veritas Hebraica in Nicholas of Lyra's Commentary on Job." American Society of Church History, January, 2013
A Companion to Job in the Middle Ages, eds. Franklin T. Harkins and Aaron Canty (Leiden: Brill, 2017)
Light and Glory: The Transfiguration of Christ in Early Franciscan and Dominican Theology (Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2011)
Selected Articles
"Scholastic Theologies of the Resurrection in the Early Fourteenth Century," in Studies in Later Medieval Intellectual History in Honor of William J. Courtenay, William O. Duba, Russell L. Friedman, and Chris Schabel (Leuven: Peeters, 2017), pp. 113-144
"Nicholas of Lyra's Literal Commentary on Job," in A Companion to Job in the Middle Ages, eds. Franklin T. Harkins and Aaron Canty (Leiden: Brill, 2017), pp. 225-253
"Hugh of St. Cher and Thomas Aquinas: Time and the Interpretation of the Psalms," in Time: Sense, Space, Structure, eds. Nancy van Deusen and Leonard Michael Koff (Leiden: Brill, 2016), pp. 160-176
"Saint Paul in Augustine," in A Companion to St. Paul in the Middle Ages, ed. Steven R. Cartwright (Leiden: Brill, 2013), pp. 115-142
"Christ's Transfiguration in the Postillae of John of La Rochelle," Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 3-4 (2011): 421-483